Sunday, August 26, 2012

(08-25-2012) More dome work...

Saturday I did more work on R2's dome.  All of the holoprojectors and the front logic displays are mounted to the inner dome.  

I ran into one small problem.  The lights were working perfectly until I installed them in the dome.  Once the front logic displays were installed I had to power them up and see the blinking lights in the dome, but they wouldn't work.    Blast it!

I am running an old version of the Teeces kit where all of the lights are in a long single chain, which is prone to problems.  I swapped out the longest cable in the chain for a shorter one and viola!  The lights all started working again.  Looks like I'm going to be soldering some wires onto my Arduino and changing the sketch to support parallel chains of lights.

All in all, a fairly productive day - even though the dome doesn't look that much more complete.  I was hoping to get all of the lights installed and to finally see R2's dome all lit up, but it wasn't to be.

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